Five Nice Things

Matt Savener
Oct 30, 2020

Prompted by Siobhan O'Connor’s lovely A Game to Get You Un-Stuck on Crappy Feelings.

1. My new puppy, Toby. He’s a six-month-old pitt mix and he’s pure joy, with hilarious floppy ears and an incredibly sweet personality. He’s been with us for less than a week and we’re already totally in love.

Ears go flop.

2. Being in a bubble with a few really great friends — giving/getting real hugs, long meandering conversations, and spending our time together as we wait for this awful pandemic to end.

3. The Overstory. I recently finished this epic novel and I can’t stop thinking about it. It makes me want to become a radical environmental activist. I already have a deep love for nature and wilderness but now I appreciate it in a whole new way. Shoutout to trees.

4. Beverages of all types, but especially great beer, wine, and coffee. As we head into the winter months, it’s time for stouts, deep red wine, and freshly roasted coffee paired with a big fluffy hoody and all the blankets. Pure hygge.

5. Bay Area sunsets.

Love you, Oakland

These are a few of my favorite things.

