InHumungusbyJohn DeVoreHello. This Is My Last Post On Humungus. Thanks For ReadingBye-bye, my love, goodbye.Dec 6, 202265Dec 6, 202265
John HalsteadWhy I Changed My Mind About GunsOnce again, my progressive friends are organizing to protest for gun control. But I won’t be joining them this time.Jul 18, 202237Jul 18, 202237
James SurowieckiRed States Are a Nation Unto Themselves, Not Just on Social Policy But On Economics, TooCNN’s Ron Brownstein wrote an interesting piece this week arguing that when it comes to social policy, red states are building “a nation…Aug 1, 20227Aug 1, 20227
Colin HorganThe Tyranny of the Sell-OutsModern mass culture needs new ideas. Why don’t we have any?Jun 7, 202221Jun 7, 202221
InPolitically SpeakingbyGeorge DillardAmerica, the Island of Lost BoysA generation of wayward young men spells trouble for the United StatesJun 3, 202242Jun 3, 202242
InPolitically SpeakingbyGeorge DillardThe Wrong Things Are CheapCan we use economic turmoil to make economic values match our moral ones?Jun 19, 202239Jun 19, 202239
Matt SchellhasHow to have the best Bad MeetingsUnlike most meetings, mine actually involve people talking to each otherFeb 23, 202215Feb 23, 202215
InHuman PartsbyMark DeryWhy Writers Drink — and This One Doesn’tIs inspiration through disinhibition worth the risk?May 16, 202229May 16, 202229
InHumungusbyJohn DeVoreHow To Make Friends If You’re A Man Who Is Bad At Making FriendsA starter guide for anyone who identifies as a manMay 3, 202258May 3, 202258
InAgile InsiderbyLinda ZHow to spend your first 90 days at a new jobDetailed template and checklist for your first 30, 60, 90 days. Go from unknown outsider to trusted insider with confidenceMar 23, 20227Mar 23, 20227
InWhither news?byJeff JarvisConcede Defeat to Bad SpeechLet us turn attention at last and again to good speechApr 27, 202213Apr 27, 202213
InGENbyElizabeth SpiersJustice for AllGrandpa Pickleball, Alvin Bragg, Donald Trump, Kalief Browder, and a personal storyMar 30, 202211Mar 30, 202211
InHuman PartsbyDaniel WilliamsWant to Know Thyself? Get Thee a DogBut only if you want to live without regretMar 5, 202240Mar 5, 202240
InGENbyYvonne VávraWhy Banning Dark Periods of History From Schools Is UnpatrioticTake it from a German: Teaching the unadorned truth about the past leads students on a path of true respect and love for their countryFeb 19, 202247Feb 19, 202247
InForgebyAntonia MalchikCultivating the Wild InsideGetting in touch with our humanity starts with remembering that we’re wild, tooJan 20, 202212Jan 20, 202212
Everest Pipkin“BUT THE ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES WITH CRYPTOART WILL BE SOLVED SOON, RIGHT?”Cryptocurrencies and NFTs are an absolute disaster for so many more reasons than the ecological.Mar 3, 202131Mar 3, 202131
InCreators HubbySara DavidsonWhat Joan Didion Taught Me About WritingTen tips from decades of reading—and interviewing—the masterOct 25, 20213Oct 25, 20213
InAn Injustice!byEllis BrooksThe Pernicious Bigotry of SWERFsCatharine MacKinnon continues to work tirelessly to ensure you don’t mistake sex workers for actual human beings.Sep 14, 202113Sep 14, 202113
InBe Yourselfbygrant spanierSeat 21AA window seat reminder of humanity — how one woman taught me a lesson about trajectory and happiness.Aug 25, 20149Aug 25, 20149